
Languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, OCaml, Rust, Haskell, Elixir
Technologies: Compilers, Interpreters, Linux/Unix, Git, Docker, DSLs, Juggling


  • Intern, Frontier Technology, Inc. (July - December 2021)

  • Overhauled internal web application UX to improve employee efficiency
  • Completed core application features using Python/Django backend, JavaScript/jQuery frontend
  • Deployed essential company services to the cloud using Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenFaaS
  • Presented accomplishments, technical decisions and tradeoffs, to company leadership
  • Intern, Mun Lang (2021 Summer)

  • Mun Lang is an embeddable programming language empowering creation through iteration. Inspired by Lua and Rust, it is early in development and open-source.
  • Implemented compiler features using the Rust programming language
  • Discussed language design specifics with the core team
  • Co-founder, Krypton Tutors (2020-Present)

  • Established an online platform which connects tutors with students, especially with regard to niche subjects such as competition math, Artificial intelligence, or Web Development
  • Managed technical aspects of marketing, and development of our website
  • Interviewed students, parents, and tutors to identify needs and design curriculum
  • Managed eight tutors, earned tens of thousands of dollars in revenue
  • Software Engineer, Indy Autonomous Challenge Research (2020-Present)

  • Collaborated with a team of students from the undergraduate to PhD level to design a self-driving car that will avoid obstacles and overtake other cars at high speeds
  • Architected and built a simulator, vehicle PID controller, and convolutional/recurrent neural networks using Python and PyTorch


  • Relevant Coursework

  • Compilers, Computer Architecture, Data Structures & Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Web/Mobile Development, C Programming, Multivariable Calculus, Discrete Math, Bowling